[pe2-image src=”http://lh5.ggpht.com/-FsktLG7wy7c/VASfWQjvHNI/AAAAAAAACXo/aABwHP9TKIg/s144-c-o/rsvp.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/116918584428140505979/20140901#6054139003843583186″ caption=”RSVP Seminarians” type=”image” alt=”rsvp.jpg” ]
Through the Knights of Columbus Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP), councils, assemblies and Squires circles “adopt” one or more seminarians or postulants and provide them with financial assistance and moral support. RSVP money is used by seminarians and those in religious formation for tuition and books, car insurance and maintenance, travel during vacations, emergency expenditures and other living expenses. Knights provide more than financial support, though. Members write letters to students, sponsor dinners for them, invite them to join the Order and, most importantly, pray for vocations. Last year, financial help from 2,628 councils, assemblies and circles to future priests, sisters and brothers, exceeded $3 million. Since 1981 the Order has provided more than $52.9 million in aid through RSVP, helping more than 85,900 men and women follow their vocations. Qualifying councils and assemblies receive a $100 refund for every $500 donated, up to a limit of $2,000 donated to an individual, while the refund for Squires is $20 for every $100 donated. In the Philippines and Mexico, councils and assemblies receive the equivalent in local currency of $50 for every $250 donated.
Program Chairman

- Name:Tony Villafranca
- Email:downtowntony@rocketmail.com
- Phone 1:619-636-8076