Worthy  Shepherds  &  Apostles   Challenges  /  Solutions     Caller  Script  for  Knights  Being  Dropped       Contact  the  Brother  in  person  or  by  phone.  Use  this  list  as  a  script  for  calls  and  contacts.   1. Get  to  know  him.    Find  out  what  is  happening  in  his  life.    Be  a  friend.   a. Open  with,  “I’m  _________,  a  Brother  Knight  and  I’m  helping  Council  (Name  and   Number)  to  reconnect  with  some  of  our  Brothers.    What’s  been  happening  in  your  life   lately?”  b. Listen  to  his  responses  and  comment  when  appropriate.  2. Thank  him  for  being  a  Brother  Knight.    Remind  him  that  Knights  help  their  Brothers.  3. Ask,  “Can  you  tell  me  why  you  became  a  Knight  in  the  first  place?”  4. Remind  him  of  some  of  the cheap provigil online  activities  and  services  that  your  Council  has  provided  recently.  5. Say,  “The  Council  hasn’t  seen  you  very  much  for  a  while.    Is  there  anything  we  can  do  to  help   you?”   a. Listen,  comment,  and  if  needed,  let  him  know  that  you  will  pass  the  information  on  to   the  Council  for  their  consideration.  6. Ask  him  if  the  activities  and  services  provided  by  the  Knights  are  valuable.    7. Say,  “Don’t  you  want  to  continue  to  be  part  of  those  good  works?”  8. Tell  him,  “I  see  that  the  Financial  Secretary  has  you  on  the  list  of  Brothers  who  have  not  yet   sent  in  their  dues.    Did  you  ever  get  the  notice  or  did  you  put  it  aside?”  9. Ask,  “Is  there  any  way  that  the  Council  can  help  you  and  your  family?”  10. Offer  to  pray  with  or  pray  for  him  and  his  family.   As  you  get  into  the  Challenges,  listen  to  what  your  Brother  has  to  say.    Try  to  offer  a  positive   solution  and  then  ask,  “Doesn’t  that  sound  OK?”  Or,  “Isn’t  that  right?”  Or,  “Don’t  you  agree?”   Challenge  –  I  lost  my  job.    I  can’t  afford  the  dues.   Solution  –     • We  are  an  Order  that  was  founded  on  the  principle  of  Charity.    Ask  the  Council  for  dues   forgiveness  for  anyone  who  has  financial  hardships.      • Apply  to  Columbian  Charities  (365  Club)  for  those  with  major  financial  problems.  • Ask  the  Brother  to  volunteer  time  and  service  in  place  of  dues.   Challenge  –  I  can’t  come  to  the  meetings.   Solution  –     • That’s  OK,  you  can  still  help  by  volunteering  for  some  of  our  projects  or  even  just  by   attending  some  of  our  activities.  • Pick  the  activities  and  service  projects  that  meet  needs  and  interests  of  you  and  your  family.     By  participating,  you  and  your  family  will  feel  the  strength  of  the  Brotherhood.  • Give  me  your  best  phone  #  and  email  so  we  can  let  you  know  what  our  Council  is  doing.   Challenge  –  I  don’  have  time  to  be  in  the  Knights.   Solution  –     • Did  you  know  that  our  Council  has  done  -­?-­?-­?-­?-­?-­?-­?-­?-­?  for  the  church  and  -­?-­?-­?-­?-­?-­?-­?  for  the  community?     By  continuing  on  as  a  Knight,  you  are  supporting  the  work  of  those  who  have  the  time  to   serve.  • You  aren’t  required  to  attend  meetings  so  come  if  you  can  but  don’t  worry  if  you  can’t.      • You  can  still  be  an  active  night  just  by  participating  in  one  or  two  of  the  activities  that  fit   your  family’s  needs.
• Remember  to  keep  paying  your  dues  and  ,  if  possible,  make  a  donation,  so  the  Council  can   continue  to  do  its  charitable  works.  Challenge  –  I’m  angry  at  what  the  Council  (or  one  of  the  Knights)  has  done.  Solution  –    • What  incident  caused  the  anger?  • Please  remember  that  we  are  only  human  and  will  make  mistakes.    Can’t  you  follow  Christ  by   offering  forgiveness?  • Let’s  talk  this  out,  face-­?to-­?face,  so  this  Challenge  won’t  affect  other  Brothers  and  so  that  you   can  reconcile  with  the  Brother  or  the  Council.  Challenge  –  I’ve  moved  out  of  the  area.  Solution  –    • Would  you  like  some  help  to  find  the  Council  closest  to  you  so  you  can  join  them  in  their   efforts?  • Would  you  like  to  keep  paying  your  dues  to  maintain  your  membership  in  our  Council?  • We  can  put  you  on  a  list  to  receive  annual  updates  regarding  the  activities,  services,  and   accomplishments  of  our  Council.     Other  arguments  to  stay  in  the  Knights:   1. All  Knights  in  good  standing  have  an  automatic,  accidental  death  benefit.   2. Knights  will  continue  to  receive  the  Columbia  magazine.   3. Knights  and  children  of  Knights  may  apply  for  State  and  Supreme  K  of  C  college  scholarships.   4. Knights  help  each  other  and  their  families  to  stay  strongly  connected  to  the  Catholic  faith.   5. When  there  is  a  death  in  the  family,  a  Brother  Knight  who  is  a  Field  Agent  will  assist  your   family  with  the  funeral  arrangements  whether  you  are  insured  or  not.    You  can’t  get  that  free   help  any  other  way.  6. You  will  lose  your  years  of  service  toward  Honorary  and  Honorary  Life  if  you  are  suspended.  For  thos e  in  the  Military,  Police,  Fire  Fighters,  or  other  peacekeepers:  1. The  Matthew  /  Swift  Scholarship  program  will  provide  funds  to  send  your  kids  to  four  years   at  any  Catholic  University  if  you  are  killed  or  permanently  disabled  while  serving  in  harm’s   way  if  the  serviceman  had  any  Knights  of  Columbus  insurance  or  annuity.  2. This  is  offered  to  those  who  have  ANY  insurance  with  the  Knights,  even  just  a  small  annuity.   For  those  who  are  Insured  Members:   1. Your  insurance  dividends  will  be  reduced  to  pay  the  Supreme  Per  Capita  if  you  leave.   2. You  will  lose  the  automatic  accidental  death  benefit  if  you  leave  or  are  dropped.   For  those  who  you  just  cannot  convince:   1. Ask  if  a  Chapter  Officer  or  a  State  Committeeman  can  call  to  follow  up  this  conversation.   2. Let  the  Brother  know  that  if  he  would  handwrite  and  sign  a  brief  note  of  resignation  from   the  Order,  his  years  or  service  in  the  Knights  would  be  maintained  when  he  chooses  to   reapply  for  membership.   Be  sure  to  keep  notes  regarding  the  call.     1. Date.   2. Name  of  caller.   3. Details  regarding  the  Brother’s  situation.   4. The  Brother’s  main  reason  for  not  paying  dues  or  participating  with  the  Council.   5. If  the  challenge  was  not  solved,  was  this  contact  referred  to  a  Chapter  Officer  or  State   Retention  Committeeman  for  follow  up?   Please  send  any  additional  suggestions  especially  Challenges  /  Solutions  that  you  may  encounter   when  contacting  Brothers  to  Membership@californiaknights.org  so  that  we  can  modify  this  Caller   Script.