Retention and Recruitment Leads to Success

Our success in Membership requires Recruitment and Retention.


Recruitment Reminder:  If you plan it, you will succeed!  Set your Membership Drive Plan for the entire year.  Use the 2014-15 CA Membership Drives Schedule to report your drives to the State.


Try to arrange for one of your Membership Drives to be an Extended Membership Drive (see attached).  Look for more information on setting up a Church Membership Drive in the Membership Monday #9 sent out by Mario Santiago.


Retention Reminder:  If we want to call ourselves a Brotherhood, we must act like Brothers!  Be sure that your Council has (or will) set up a Worthy Shepherd and Apostles Team.  This team should work to make personal contact by phone, buy provigil next day delivery home visit, or handwritten postcard with every Brother in your Council each quarter (every 3 months).  The Apostles should find out what is happening in each Brother’s life (see the “Shepherd & Apostles Caller Script).  By doing this, we will not lose track of our Brothers and they will feel included even if they cannot attend meetings.


If you need updated addresses or phone numbers for the Brothers in your Council, contact Joe Hill at    Send him the following:

First, Middle, Last Name of “Lost Brother”

Last Known Address

Last Known Phone #

Age or Date of Birth

Names of any known relatives or contacts

Name and email of Brother requesting information

Council #

Remember:  One New Member, Per Council, Per Month