The Preparation Phase
? Obtain the pastor’s permission to conduct a Membership Recruitment Drive at the church during a specific weekend.
? Advertise the event weekly in the parish bulletin building up to when it is held.
? Order recruitment materials from the Supreme Council Supply Department (allow four to five weeks for delivery).
? Inform the insurance representatives about the dates of the recruitment drive.
The Execution Phase
? Setup informational tables at every door of the church. Have plenty of prospect cards and pencils on hand to distribute to each man as he enters the church.
? Setup a canopy and hang some posters.
? Arrange for a membership recruitment announcement to be made during each Mass by the priest endorsing the council.
? Have brother Knights on hand to answer questions and to collect prospect referral cards or names and contact information as men leave the church with their families.
The Follow-Up Phase
? Personal contact must be made with every prospect within 48 HOURS.
? Inform each prospect and his family of the date, time and location for the informational seminar and invite them.
? Offer transportation if necessary.
The Orientation buy provigil from mexico Phase
? Order recruitment brochures about the Order for prospects and their families to read.
? Request that your council’s chaplain start the event with a prayer and some words about the Order and its mission.
? Consider showing one of the recruitment videos available from the Supreme Council Supply Department (available at under Publications & Resources)
? Make the requirements for membership known to those assembled.
? Offer each prospect a Membership Document (#100) to fill out before the event’s conclusion.
? Have brother Knights on hand to assist prospects in completing these forms.
? Conclude the event with some light refreshments.
? Inform the candidates of the date of the First Degree.
The First Degree
? Schedule a First Degree no more than two weeks after your informational session.
? Contact the candidates to remind them of the Degree date.
? Ensure they have transportation to the location.
? Order degree certificates from the Supreme Council Supply Department as a fitting way to recognize your new brother Knights.
? Don’t let the new members leave the Degree without getting them involved and explaining the Shining Armor Award program.