- Goal: one or more extended membership drives in each Chapter per month
- Chapter Officers are asked to contact DDs to promote extended membership drives
- Extended membership drives last 4 or more weeks in a row and includes:
o Pulpit Announcements (preferred but not required)
o Parish Bulletin Announcements
o Recruitment booth(s) every weekend
- Pop Up Canopy with recruitment posters hanging or displayed
- Table with assorted recruitment flyers (English, Spanish, & other?)
- Attach address labels with Recruiter’s name, phone, & email to all flyers
- 24 Hours Can Change Your Life (form #10099)
- Why You Should Become A Knight (form #10100)
- Faith (#4497), Family (#4252), Service (#4253), Benefits (#2773 or 1267), etc.
- Prospect Contact Card (Form 921a <space for 1 contact> or #921 <has space for 3 contacts>)
- Prayer cards – offer as they enter church as a gift from the Knights of Columbus
- Form 100s
- Flyer with schedule of upcoming Information Sessions & 1st Degrees
- Pens
- Clip boards
- Old Columbia Magazines
- Master list of contacts (update between Masses)
- Staffing – Booth(s) must be staffed after each Mass for the entire extended drive
o Schedule to assure coverage
o Ask EVERY Brother (and their families) to cover after the Mass they attend
- Follow Up
o Call contacts within 48 hours
o Offer buy modafinil online in canada rides to the Information Session and or 1st Degree
o Reminder call night before Info Session/Degree
- Information Sessions & 1st Degree Ceremonies
o Must schedule Information Sessions and 1st Degree Ceremonies each week during the extended drive
o Vary time & day of week up (e.g., Mon. Night, Sat. afternoon, Sunday afternoon, etc.)
o Bring families to Information Sessions (Brother, Knights’ Ladies, kids) to help share
o Info Session can be combined with 1st Degree
- 45 minutes Information Session
- 10 to 15 minute break
- Begin 1st Degree
- Team should acknowledge:
- New Brothers (& ask them to tell why they joined the Knights)
- Degree Team
- Dignitaries (Supreme representatives, State representatives, etc.)
- Current Grand Knights
- For small crowds – introduce all others present.
- Review Shining Armor Award requirements
- Fraternal Benefits intro (by Field Agent or Brother positive towards insurance)
- Announce upcoming 2nd & 3rd Degrees in the area
- Retention (Drop Prevention)
o Assign a mentor to:
- Bring new Brother to 2nd & 3rd Degree
- Call Brother at least monthly
- Invite Brother to Council meetings
- Remind Brother of Council activities and events
o Stress importance of paying dues yearly
o Give new Brother a task related to his interests (get him involved)
o Verify that new Brothers are added to communications lists
- Phone Tree
- Email list