Date(s) - 10/25/2015 - 10/31/2015
12:00 am
An invitation… On This Special Day…
Please join together and find a way to celebrate the priesthood by doing something special for your chaplain and the pastor and priests in your parish on this special day, Priesthood Sunday.
Pray for them, in praying for our priests, thank God for their courage and their generosity.
A simple note, a smile or a phone call to assure him of your loving care and gratitude for his presence in the life of your local church will go a long way to serve the greater good of our wonderful and growing Catholic Church.
Invite them out to lunch or dinner.
Simply say Thanks after Mass during the month of October in particular, but also throughout the entire year.
A Question… Why Priesthood Sunday Is Important…
The reasons for this celebration (of Priesthood Sunday) should be obvious. The number of priests per Catholic has declined over the past 40 years. This makes it more difficult for individual parishioners to establish a close relationship with any one particular priest. When I was growing up, our pastor served in our parish for 34 years. My mom and dad knew him well. His presence and service were significant factors in the story of my own vocation. Furthermore, priests are no longer the only ones who offer pastoral care to our people. Yet without a priest, no parish is able to be a Eucharistic community. It is important to reaffirm the importance of the priesthood of Jesus Christ and its central place in the life of our Church.
-Archbishop John G. Vlazny, Archdiocese of Portland