Date(s) - 05/01/2015 - 05/04/2015
All Day
Town and Country Resort
Join your Brother Knights at the San Diego Chapter Fourth of Degree Exemplification:
Friday Evening: Hospitality Suites: 5pm to closing (Open to all including wives and family)
Saturday Morning: Color Corps Competition 9:00 am (Open to all including wives and family)
Saturday Noon: Ladies Luncheon (Ladies only and must purchase ticket, Contact your Assembly for information)
Saturday 1pm: Fourth Degree Exemplification (Open only to Fourth Degree Knights in good standing)
Saturday: 4pm: Celebration of Holy Mass (Open to all)
Saturday Night: Banquet (Open to all. Contact your assembly for tickets)
Honoree for Exemplification is: John D. Bertrand, Former Master, San Diego Chapter President